Darin.A.Padua,Professor of North Carolina college,Academic Exchanges in the University
Darin.A.Padua,Professor of North Carolina college,Academic Exchanges in the University
Darin.A.Padua,Professor of North Carolina college,Academic Exchanges in the University

On October 17th, Darin. A. Padua, director of Department of Sports Science Training and professor of Sports Medical Research Laboratory, North Carolina College, is invited to our university to carry out academic exchanges and gives lectures to postgraduates. Before the lecture, our vice-president Liu Zhiyun meets Darin, introduces our school’s discipline and new campus construction, discusses some issues on exchange scholars, jointly cultivating PhD students and launchinginterscholastically-scientific researchs, reaches an agreementon part issues.
The academic lecture is held in library’sauditorium. Professor
Darin gives a lecture on the topic ofEvaluation andcorrection strategy in ankle movement’s dysfunction. This lecture is presided by professor Wang Jian, director of Graduate School. .
Darin further explains evaluation and correction strategy in ankle movement’s dysfunctionin people’s daily life and sports. He refers thathuman-beings’ commondysfunctionsin ankle movement are mainlyaboufoot outward-turning, strephenopodia, ankle dorsiflexion and knees-buckled, which can be improved by inhibiting excessive excitement of muscle group, stretching excessive activation of shortened-muscle, activating the inhibited and weak muscles, integrating all the muscle group and neuromuscular control system. Darin also interacts with students, aiming to solve some problems postgraduates are interested in.
Through this lecture, postgraduates enrich knowledge in sports training’s injury and protection and enhance their professional quality.