Student League of Our University, Visit in Edith CowanCollege
Student League of Our University, Visit in Edith CowanCollege

A total of 15 students, who are from our university’s Graduate School, , department of physical education training, health and sports science, sports culture media, successfully finishes the visiting and learning in Edith Cowan College from August 7 to 20.
During the period, our university’s student league is cordially met by their president Steve Chapman and dean Moira Sim of Institute of Medicine and Healthy Science. As a specific project’s principal, Doctor Zane elaborately arranged some classes onphysiology, movement skills, Australian rugby, sports dancing, Netball, etc.
Our students benefit a lot through the visiting and learning. This visit only improve their English speaking and learning, but also make them experience Australianclasses, and promote friendship between two universities. In recent years, we have many exchanges with Edith Cowan College, which actively pushes communication and cooperation between two universities. From November 11 to December 4, this university will appoint their student league to visit our school.