Sino-American Sports Communication Center,Distinguished Contribution Award of American Cultural Center

During June 17 to 19, 2016, the director-league meeting of the fifth America Cultural Center is held in Guangzhou. This meeting aims to enhance Sino-American cultural communication, strengthen cooperation between Chinese and American universities, and improve mutual understanding and identification of two countries’ teachers and students.
During the symposium, our university’s attendants introduce major work performance and communication of Sino-American sports cultural communication center in recent year, which gets unanimously praised from representatives. They regard that our university relieson “sports”platform and works Sino-American cultural communication into effect. By evaluation of American Embassy in China and Educational Administrative authorities, and directors’ secret ballotof 19 American Cultural Centers, our university’s Sino-American sports cultural communication center finally wins the distinguished contribution award granted by committee with the highest points. This award is sure of our all work, elevating our center’s influence and popularity.
The Sino-American sports cultural communication centeris one of the most characteristic centerand the first sports culture communication centerjointly built by Chinese and American universities.. This center aims atreinforcing communication and cooperation, further carries out Sino-American sports technical and cultural communication. Since its foundation in March.2012, it has held various communicative activities and attracted more than a great number of teachers and students.