The Japanese Sports Experts Visit to Our School

In April 28.2016, DuBu, director of Japanese Sports HealthResearchInstitute and QianHe, professor of Hokkaido Collegevisit our university. The relevant principals and teachers of International Communication Office, Division of Personnel, Department of Health and Sport, Athletics Academy meetvisitors.
In thesymposium, JinZongqiang, director of International Communication Office, introduces that our school’s general construction, doctoral talents’ cultivation in sports, new campus construction, and cooperation with some Japanese colleges. He hopes to further collaborate with Japanese experts in sports.
The institutor DuBu and professor QianHe representatively introduce basic situation of their own areas and think highly of our achievements. They hope to strengthen both communications, learn from each other and carry out practical cooperation with our school’s teachers in health care and sports.
On April 29, Dubu and QianHe bring their own splendidly academic reports to our students on topics of “The Development of Skiing and Sports’ Scientific Research” and “Position Control Research and Clinical Applications”.